


KNIGHT LIFE:         

Sept. 30th-Oct. 11th - JNE PTA Butter Braid Sale

Oct. 14th-18th - Community Unity/Olweus Anti- Bullying Week

Oct. 15th - JNE PTA Meeting, 6:30 pm

Oct. 16th - Picture Re-Take Day

Oct. 21st - JNE PTA Rink Ratz Night, 6-8 pm

Oct. 22nd - Butter Braid Pick Up

Oct. 30th - Grandparent/Special Person Event, 6pm-7pm

                        JNE Trunk Or Treat 7pm-8pm


New to Blue Springs School District? Please contact Department of Public Safety (DPS) Monday - Friday from         8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 816.874.3330 to start the enrollment process or click on the following link:

New Student Enrollment 2024-2025 - Blue Springs School District ( 

**All new students with completed residency verification must complete their online forms, provide updated immunization records to our school clinic and we must obtain prior school records (if applicable) BEFORE teacher placement/starting school.


School Meals:

School lunch and breakfast are not free this year. You can put money on your child's account at If you are eligible for meal benefits, you can apply on the same website and check the application progress. 

Other Obligations:

Technology, Device Insurance, Planners and Library dues can be paid via RevTrak: RevTrak Instructions - Blue Springs School District (

Bus Information: 

If your child’s dismissal plan needs to be changed, a parent/guardian must call the front office at816-874-3670. All dismissal changes will need to be communicated to us by 3:30 pm. 

To find out your bus number, please visit and click on the tab PARENT RESOURCES then PARENT TOOLS-Boundaries and Bus routes.  This link also provides approximate pick up and drop off times.  

Knights Being Awesome!

3rd Annual JNE Fun Run:

The 2024 Fun Run was an AWESOME experience.  Thank you to our sponsors, parent volunteers, and school community for making this an outstanding event.  Together we raised $4100 to enhance opportunities at JNE.  Congratulations to all the students that got to slime a staff member.  We can’t wait to do it all again next year!

Fun Run FestivitiesFun Run Teachers

PTA Culver's Night:

JNE PTA had a successful Culver’s Night!  Thank you to all the student helpers from Leadership & PTA, the families that participated, and to JNE PTA for hosting the event. Culvers Night

Building Information

5020 NW Valley View Road
Blue Springs, MO 64015

(816) 874-3670

Hours 9:15 am-4:05 pm


Stephanie Owings, Principal
Contact by Email

Michael Compton, Assistant Principal                                      Contact by Email


Transportation Center:
(816) 874-3799

Technology Help Desk:
(816) 874-3242

Department of Public Safety:
(816) 874-3330



District and School Fliers

PeachJar John Nowlin Elementary

Visit the JNE Peachjar link for District Flier Information.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
September 29, no events3012345
67891011October 12, no events
October 13, no events1415161718October 19, no events
October 20, no events2122232425October 26, no events
October 27, no events282930311November 02, no events